Happiness is defined by the state of being happy, but what isn’t considered is how each person’s interpretation of being happy differs. How can we put a label on something when it can’t be characterized by one thing? One person’s happiness might be the cup of coffee they drink every Sunday morning while listening to their favorite music, while for another person happiness is having a successful career and a life full of advancements. Granted we all change as we age, but our idea of happiness never really alters too much.
For me, happiness isn’t as simple as one goal that I want to accomplish, or a small luxury I give myself every day. True happiness is something I work toward daily, and I don’t think it something that is easily reached, it’s like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Only through endless searching comprised of infinite ups and downs are we perceived to find it, then once it is in sight there is more rain, followed by another rainbow to chase after. For moments along this journey we of course feel happy, but feeling happy and achieving true happiness are different.
Feeling happy is a moment in time in which we are content and willing to tackle whatever life throws at us. True happiness is finding comfort in knowing that at any moment things can change and not always for the best but being okay with handling with the repercussions, it’s knowing that with your internal serenity there is someone who is experiencing the worst pains of their life, and the willingness to share your insight and care to help them feel what you do, and most importantly true happiness is putting the bettering of yourself before others. By tearing yourself down to help someone else, you are only causing yourself more pain. As much as we all love to see those around us happy, there must be a balance between our own selfishness and their understanding of the importance of self care.
Of course this is not something that achieved overnight, or even through the course of weeks, months or even a few short years. Happiness is something we work for everyday, either through the external hardships we encounter or from the demons inside that seem like they will never stop yelling in your ear. Although this process is long and tiresome, the end is always out there and the only way to get there is to want it. Yes some days it may seem as if there is no end and that there is a constant thunderstorm above you, but always remember that there is another rainbow to guide you.
As cliche as it may seem, we were all brought here for a reason and throughout our journey towards happiness we find our purpose. It is important to remember that there is always a way to get there. No matter how dark it may seem, there is always another sunrise. No one on this earth “has it easy”, everyone has their demons and although we are all damaged, you are not broken. Keep your head up and focus on the only goal that should ever be important; your own true happiness.