Salvation, such a priceless gift that could never be repaid. Have you ever really thought thoroughly about this priceless and undeserving gift? This special season in my life, I have really thought over this fact. Your mind cannot fully grasp this fact, because it is so awesome!
What is Salvation? I am glad you asked! Salvation is when you accept God as your Savior and trust in Him with everything that you do in your future. Once you put your faith in God, you will have eternal life! That means whenever you pass away from this world, you will be joining Him in heaven!
Let's break it down even more. Jesus was crucified on a cross, because of nothing that He did. Others were jealous of Jesus because of everything He was doing wherever He went. He would perform miracles and gather large crowds. So, Jesus died on the cross and was buried in a tomb, but the story gets better! Jesus arose from the dead on the third day! He arose from the grave just for us, so that we may have eternal life if we believe in Him.
In order to be saved, you must first admit that you are a sinner. You need to realize that sin separates us from God and the consequence of sin is death. Sin just simply means that it is a refusal to acknowledge God's authority over our lives. When you admit that you are a sinner, you are repenting of your sins and to self, and turning towards God.
Secondly, you must believe in Jesus Christ as God's Son and receive Jesus' gift of forgiveness of sin. If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and eternal life, than you will be saved.
The last thing you have to do is confess your faith in Jesus Christ to others. Tell others about your faith in Christ. The next step to your walk with God is being baptized in front of others as a public profession of faith.
This time last year, I put my faith in God and trusted in Him! I grew up in a church my whole entire life, but I never truly walked in the ways of the Lord until I realized that I needed to be saved. Once I put my faith in the Lord, I have seen God work in my life like never before! He has done so many awesome things in my life just this past year, that it is hard to keep up with all of them! It is so easy to get consumed in the world by doing worldly things. Before I got saved, I was so consumed in the world, that I could not see God because I was not keeping my focus on Him. It is worth following Him, more than you can imagine!
Jesus is the only one who can make your heart happy on the inside. The world can make you happy, but not like Jesus can! I was at my lowest point in life before I got saved, but God showed me that I needed Him and brought me to the highest point in my life.
I hope this makes you realize that you need God more than ever right now! I pray that this article draws attention to Him and not to myself. I pray that this article would lead many to Christ! I also pray that this reminds you how awesome God is and strengthens your walk with Christ if you are already saved!