As we embark yet again on a brand new semester, things are just as new as they are scary. With each satisfying opening of a crisp new notebook, we remember how long it's been since we last had to write. With each lecture PowerPoint, we realize how hard it is to get back into the swing of typing fast enough to follow the professors ever sounding lecture.
It may seem scary now, when you realize how out of touch you have become with the learning process. It becomes completely and entirely terrifying when you line up all your syllabi and realize that all your exams lineup perfectly with one another. It's easy to forget how many times you have done it and gotten through it in the past, especially when all you remember is how hard it was to do so.
I look ahead to what is to come and as scary as it is, I can't help but to be so excited. I know that I have earned my place in this current time lapse and I have earned the right to be proud of it. I know that it has not been easy to accomplish all of these things, and it is quite a journey. A journey that I am glad to be apart of, and one that I cannot wait to embark on even further.
I know that this semester will be so so tough, but I will be even tougher. This semester won't give me any extra handouts, but I know that it will get harder as it goes so I will embrace it and continue the fight. Someday, somehow, I will see all this hard work pay off and I will look back nostalgically upon these days and admire myself for never giving up.