The first time he took you out to dinner, you finished your food before him because you were starving and hadn't had time to eat at all that day. He called you fat. He said it was a joke and you laughed it off. The second time you didn't even eat half of what you ordered because the whole time you were sitting there repeatedly calling yourself fat. His joke wasn't funny.
The first time you were comfortable enough to let him see you without makeup, to let him see each and every flaw that you were already disgusted with about yourself, he called you ugly. He said it was a joke and you laughed it off. The second time you rushed to put on your makeup before he arrived to pick you up and at the same time you repeatedly called your already beautiful, naked face ugly. His joke wasn't funny.
The first time you skipped out on a workout at the gym, he pointed and poked at your stomach. He said it was a joke and you laughed it off. The second time you didn't skip a workout. You went until you were drained to the core and each time you looked in the mirror you still saw the stomach that he had made fun of. His joke wasn't funny.
The first time you joked with him, he was furious. He belittled you and told you that what you said wasn't funny. But why are his comments towards you supposed to be a joke or be funny? They're not. Words hurt whether you mean for them to hurt someone's feelings or not. Stop and think before you speak because the nasty joke that you made to her that was laughed off, truly wasn't funny.