I work retail. While it has its bad days, it actually isn’t an awful job. I love my job. I love being able to talk to the customer and make them laugh. I think what makes it so much better is the management behind you. It can make or break your ability to love your job. There are rotten apples just at every job, but overall it is the best retail job I have ever had.
The management I have, make me love my job all that more. I have the best department managers and assistant. They have been in my place and know how to help me do my job better. They teach help us earn how to make everything move swiftly. I can honestly say that I currently have the best management I have ever had. The assistant and department managers that I work with support and make sure we feel comfortable with anything and everything before we are stuck on our own.
They are the reason I love to come to work every day. They make me love my job.
I won’t say their names, but thank you. Thank you for all the support because I know I can be a lot to handle. I know I may not be the best worker, but I try to be. I know I am not always the most positive but thank you for continuously reminding me to smile even with my RBF. Managers will build you up not tear you down.
Most people can’t say they love their job, but I can. I think that is purely thanks to my management. I was honestly so happy to move to a different department where we worked as a team. Where I wasn’t doing everything myself, but management thinking I wasn’t doing enough. I was lonely and on the verge of quitting. Thankfully, I got a chance to move departments, and it has made me do a complete 180. I. Love. My. Job. I have my awesome management to thank for that.
If you don’t have a good team backing you, you are set up to fail. I cannot thank my team enough. I am so glad I have this team that helps me succeed and not just watching me fail. If there is anything I can say, is that if you have good management, then you can not only work anywhere but you can love your job.
Management isn’t the only thing you need, but positive peers help also. When I see the schedule and it has got everyone on it. It will be an awesome day. It is going to be a day where you know the shift is going to fly by.
I am so thankful for my job, the management, and the team of people I work with.