Every culture has its own traditions, especially when it comes to the holiday season. It seems as though there are a few characteristics of every Italian-American's family holiday celebrations that hold unique to our culture. We come from a heritage that is proud of our roots and clings tightly to tradition. Our Christmas celebrations include a lot of eating, a lot of praising, and a whole lot of eating. Here are a few things that every Italian kid experiences at Christmas time.
1. Christmas starts right after Thanksgiving.
2. Decorating the Christmas tree is a family event.
3. Christmas Eve is a bigger celebration than Christmas Day in some respects.
4. Midnight Mass is a must go to (or some churches have 11 pm mass since midnight is kinda late).
5. You stay up until midnight to open presents.
6. You are forced to eat even when you are not hungry.
7. Your Grandma (Nonna) will ask you if you have eaten enough every other minute and will never be convinced that you are indeed full.
8. "I'm not yelling I'm just talking."
9. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are 10 course meals... minimum.
10. You get asked multiple personal questions by relatives.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" "What are you doing with your life?"
11. You hear Italian Christmas songs over and over.
Do not even get me started on the Italian Christmas Donkey.
12. Its one of the best times of the year because you actually do enjoy the craziness.
Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!