In today's politically-fraught climate, there's something I try to remind myself regularly. My faith shapes my politics, not the other way around. My political views must fit with my religious beliefs, because God should come first in my life. There are a lot of things I've been thinking about lately when it comes to politics. I'm young; I'm still figuring out a lot of my views on things, and the 2016 election and the inauguration less than two weeks ago have changed a lot of things. So how do I reconcile what I feel the Bible tells me with everything going on in our nation?
I know that the Bible tells us to help others in need (Matthew 25:41-46). I believe we should help others. Yet, I'm also concerned about the strain welfare and a national healthcare system place on our federal budget. I do believe the church and private organizations should be the leaders in helping those in need, but, especially with the refugee crisis, I see the need for the federal government to step up to the plate.
I know that, through the Bible, God calls us to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). However, in this day and age, I see the need to keep a strong military force because of various foreign threats, including terrorism and Russia.
I know that the Bible tells us to respect the authorities put in place (Romans 3:1-7), but I struggle with this because our government officials often make ungodly choices or don't respect us and others because of gender, race, and/or religion. We are a nation built on many freedoms, including the freedom of religion. We cannot ban people just because they are not Christian. I may not agree with the tenets of your religion, but I can still respect you and find common ground.
I know that the Bible emphasizes that men and women were created equal (Genesis 2:18 emphasizes that Adam had no comparable helper yet) andit emphasizes the sanctity of life, even before one is born (Psalm 139:13-16), yet many feminists say that pro-life women cannot be feminists only because we do not believe abortion should be a right. But I believe in a woman's right to life, even before she is born.
Finally, I know God has a plan and He will work everything out for the good of those who love Him, but I struggle to remember that in times like these. President Trump is not a good man. He is wishy-washy, power-hungry, vain, and a loose cannon. But I know God will use this chapter in our nation's history for good. If it means more people seek God, I will be thankful. If it means more people stand up for what's right, then all the better.