Before you say this is a hateful rant, self-evaluate yourself for a moment. Realize you most likely live your life by list-based articles that tell you what to do. Realizing this back off as I critically analyze your life. Oh, you do not like this, click the "X" and begone. Go to Buzzfeed and take a few quizzes. Find out what politician you should vote for based on what '90s song best describes your friends and love life, I do not care.
A common phrase tossed about is "never believe what you read on the internet." How funny, right? In today's world, everywhere you look you will find thousands of people, mostly, if not completely, Millennials, who look for help with the world's problems or how to live their life in articles on the internet posted by individuals just like them. If you do not see a problem in this, let me clearly define the issue.
First and foremost, most of the people who write these "articles", if you can call them that, do not have any sort of qualification to do so. Oh, they are currently in their second semester at a college trying to get a degree in psychology, oh yeah, you are totally right, they know it all. I totally want life advice from the person who is in a degree program where they have not even taken a real core class for the subject matter yet.
In their life experience, you can tell by the context they have seen a lot. Yeah, they watched The Sixth Sense and now they fully understand the matter of life and death, religion, insanity and more. Scratch that, because none of them saw that movie, and if they did, they did not like it. Otherwise, they would not be the type of person to post self help and inspiration for the "people who need help". What really gave them the insight to write about whatever they are creating was a link posted on their Facebook from a friend.
Secondly, by looking for these articles and reading them, and taking what they say, it shows how disconnected one is from the world around them. That being said, in my experience in life, you are never alone, therefore go talk to somebody real. The best advice and insight you will ever get in this world is from talking to someone face to face. There is your take-away. Quit relying or looking for help in text written by people you do not know, who you will most likely never meet, who are only regurgitating things they previously read online, and talk to your parents, siblings, friends, and Crazy Mike who is always at Waffle House and has the small dog. But let me guess Crazy Mike is weird and no one understands you, they just do not get where you are coming from. Well here is a remedy, go to your room, lock the door and never come out because you refuse to confront your issues and talk about them and instead choose to try to find help in some of the worst that the internet has to offer. Congratulations.
I hope none of you who actually finished reading this are this way, but if you are, be sure to talk about how this is so mean and wrong on your Facebook as I am the physical embodiment of the devil. Doing so, you only prove another point I hope to make, but I will save that for another day.
To summarize all of what we have gone over, the internet is not a place to find self help through the view of others, it is a cop out because you refuse to talk about an issue. And that is just sad.
Regardless of everything said, appreciate the view. Hope you have good day. And remember to do the right thing.