People have always used excuses in order to disguise their wrongdoing as justifiable. In actuality, there are consequences for wrongdoing, and an excuse usually doesn't free you from any sort of punishment. If you think about it, people have been able to get away with a number of ludicrous things. I remember hearing about a man who worked at McDonald's and basically blamed his job for his weight gain. He sued the company and was able to get rich from an excuse. I was young when I heard about this, but I understood that there are lines that you just do not cross, and I certainly count suing a company who employed you due to a difference in your weight as one of them. Perhaps in a rare situation this may be a valid case, but blaming others for your own problems is supposed to be common for kids, not adults who serve as an example for younger generations.
This topic ties in with another issue society faces today: abortion. When I was in fourth grade, I wrote a 4-H speech about the issue. I remember learning about what happened during the procedure without truly comprehending why it was wrong. I was simply told that abortion was the murder of babies, and I had no idea why people would be able to, much less want to, kill an unborn child. As I got older, I began to consider the mother's point of view. What if the mother was a teenager and wouldn't have enough financial support for the child? What if the baby was conceived as a result of rape? These questions resonated in my mind, and I dealt with them for a while. Because I was not very knowledgeable regarding abortion, I thought along with many others that it must be justified in some circumstances.
However, what most of society fails to recognize is that regardless of how a woman gets pregnant, a fetus is a person. People will always attempt to argue that science doesn't prove this, that pro-lifers simply allow themselves to get caught up in their emotions because of a fetus's "potential" to become a human, and that we have no evidence to suggest that we are correct. Those who advocate pro-choice will try their very best to make us seem stupid and our beliefs completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter that once a baby is conceived, it begins to grow and become a person inside another person. They argue that because the fetus is dependent on his or her mother in order to survive, it means that the baby is not a human. Whether or not a fetus is a human being has been and will continue to be debated, but in my eyes, a person is a human upon conception. Even if someone believed that a fetus is not human, surely they could admit that a fetus has life upon conception. If he or she did not have life, then the baby would be unable to grow. Simply because a child in the womb is dependent on another human to survive does not imply that the child does not have life and is not a human being. Frankly, this makes no sense to me, and it is likely because I believe in the creation of man rather than evolution. It does make sense why people would be so numb to the murder of babies when evolution teaches that humans have no real purpose because we are here by chance.
I challenge you to watch a video of how an abortion is conducted and see if your perspective regarding this topic is changed in any way. As a fourth grader, I stood in front of my class giving my speech about abortion as some of my classmates laughed. I remember distinctly that one portion of the speech that resulted in giggles involved explaining that part of a surgical abortion process consists of sucking a baby's brain out of its skull. People may still laugh and think that the idea of pro-life is ridiculous, but I resolve to keep my head up high and continue to express my beliefs regardless of what others may think. If an inherent issue is not addressed, there is no way for a solution to be provided. This is why we cannot stay silent. Murder is wrong in general, but knowing that millions upon millions of unborn children are massacred each year makes my heart heavy. Additionally, the fact that abortions usually occur before the thirteenth week of a pregnancy is also heartbreaking. This is because an abortion happens during the same weeks that a baby begins to grow rapidly. At the end of week twelve, a baby looks exactly like a human, just an extremely tiny one. Just because a child inside the womb may not appear to be a human until the twelfth week of pregnancy does not mean that the baby does not have life. Just as pro-choicers view us as crazy for what we believe, we think it is crazy not to see a tiny baby as full of life and granted the right to live outside of the womb.
Think about it: a baby would have the chance to live life just like we do and go to school, graduate, and get married if they had not been aborted. Why take away the child's chance to experience life as we are able to? We have disguised cold-blooded murder as totally innocent. Not only is abortion denying the chance of millions of humans to live, but it is viewed by a majority of the population as justified. Just because something is legal does not make it right. Society has misrepresented the truth about abortion, but a tiny human is a human nonetheless. There is nothing innocent about murder.