In our modern day society seemingly everyone is an influencer, a health guru, or famous for that one video of getting hit in the face with a yoga ball when they were ten. Recently, we've all had to make large adjustments in our lives due to the Coronavirus. Staying inside and away from our loved ones has been exceptionally challenging, for myself included. It is in times like this that I find myself waking up and feeling anxious about the uncertainty that the future holds.
But it never lasts too long. When I feel this way, my dog Georgie senses it and runs up to me, tongue flailing, filled with excitement for another day together.
Seeing Georgie's greetings each morning got me thinking, and this may be the social isolation talking but, that everyone should take notes from this exuberant ball of fur. Not to constantly wag our tongues per say, but to channel our inner joy.
Since her arrival home, my family knew she was destined to be a superstar. So we thought, why not make her an Instagram and share her sassiness with the world? Just as an outlet to give to others when they are looking for a smile.
So that is exactly what we did.
The Influencer You Didn't Know You Needed
Georgie in her natural habitat.
Photo by Ava Burford
Full of sparkle (or maybe it's drool), Georgie's smile will always brighten your day. If you find yourself wanting to see or know more about Georgie, be sure to check out her on Instagram @adventures.of.georgitte!
Every morning, Georgie runs around the house to wake everyone up. By doing so, she jumps up onto our beds and pins us down so she can share her slobbery kisses and warm doggie breath with us. After she has completed her rounds, she will gather us all for a family breakfast, excited to see us while guzzling any fallen food. Then, after her first nap of the day, she gathers the troops once again for a walk around the block to then be followed by another round of napping. Realizing that all of us are still home, she will then jump up and gather us once again to play with her outside to only run away so she can chew on her ball in private while listening to the juicy lives of the neighbors next door. Then after naps five, six, and seven are completed, it is time for her greatest act of the day: begging for dinner. This girl really knows how to do it up. The paw slapping, sad eyes and little huffs, all accumulate to little barks that usually get her someone's discarded burnt crust. To her, that crust is the gold medal of food scraps.
In all, this is how most of Georgie's days have been going. One activity after another, she puts all of her energy into because at the end of the day, she just loves being around us. Over the last month, I have learned that life is about being with your loved ones and making the most out of any situation.
If all you find that you are excited for is breakfast or dinner, then try a new recipe and make it a great meal!
If you only find yourself getting excited about your workout, then push yourself as much as you can!
If you need to take seven plus naps just to make it through the day, then do it!
What everyone needs now is completely unique and that is okay! Just remember to find one activity a day that gets you as excited as Georgie. That will make this time pass so much faster and you will be grateful for it. Also, if you find yourself needing a little extra reminder, Georgie's accounts will always be there for you.