You see them everywhere. At the gym, in the mall, and on women’s bodies; they are a fashion icon that some people love yet others despise. They come in all sorts of colors and patterns and prints. They are: Leggings. They may be fashionable and you may own thirty pairs, but just know that there are inappropriate times to wear leggings.
Yes, I am serious. They may be comfortable, they may be your go-to for fashion, but there comes a time when you can’t always wear them.
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But here are some times and places why leggings shouldn’t always be proudly adorned:
1.The Cold
If you’re from around Chicago like me, you know our weather patterns are unpredictable. Remember the past three years, they were pretty wild. Our winters can go from mild to living in a snow globe with sub zero temperatures. So what do you do? Not wear leggings. Due to the skin tightness of leggings, in the winter, they barely conserve your body heat. In the Midwest where temperatures can drop in a blink of an eye, you must be prepared to dress warmly. While thermal leggings exist, they aren’t meant to function as fashion or pants. You’re supposed to wear them under real pants so you don’t develop moderate hypothermia. After all, if it’s ten below outside, how will a piece of thin fabric keep you warm? Also, consider what would happen if you fell into a snowdrift while walking on campus. Not only would you be frigid, you’d also be wet and quite uncomfortable.
2. The Heat
Circling back to weather, this summer has been one of the warmest in recent years. Because of humidity and high temperatures, it accumulates in a lot of sweat. And when you sweat, it can create sweat stains that can be found not just under your arm pits and back. Just as not wearing enough layers in the winter, too many in the summer will also hinder you. According to Cosmopolitan magazine, the closer a clothing item is towards the skin, the more it will rub against your body. If you don’t wash your leggings frequently enough, you will be at risk for ringworm and other skin infections.
3. Sleepwear
Going back to being skin-tight and sweating a lot, if you’re a girl who loves blankets, then maybe sleeping in tight pants won’t work for you. Again with the access sweat, do you really want to wake up in the middle night feeling gross? If your leggings are made out of cotton, you can make it work, but refer back to section 2 when making that decision.
4. Career
This section is a bit iffy because depend on where you work, you might be able to get away with it. When discussing post-graduation plans with my professors, they frequently mention professionalism. While having the skills are important, there are firms and companies that will unfairly judge you based on appearance. Besides, you will have to abide by a dress code. If you’ve ever went to a school or worked a job, there has been a dress code. All companies are different, but you should be prepared regardless.
None the less, while leggings are quite comfy, they can be impractical. Yet, if you still want to wear them, despite it all, just look at the following gif: