In a time as busy as the end of the semester, it can be hard to figure out how you'll fit everything into your schedule. The stress of finals, projects, traveling, and everything else seems to just pile on. Now is when we all start looking on pinterest or google for advice as to how we are supposed to juggle all of these things. I personally have felt like I was drowning for the past few weeks. So the upcoming Thanksgiving break is a welcome pause from all of the stress. Unfortunately, many of us find that even during the break we end up working on projects, homework, etc. It's not always fun to work over the break, but sometimes it is necessary. However, my advice is to take some time during the break to just do something fun.
I mean it, over the break take at least one day completely off of homework. Don't think about your due dates, finals, projects, etc. Take one day to do something you like to do. Whether that means going on a long hike or binge watching your favorite show on Netflix. Just take a day to enjoy yourself.
I know it's hard to put down our stress. Asking yourself to not think about that final project is easier said than done. It won't be an easy thing to do, but it's necessary. A break is there for a reason. Even if you can't take completely off for the entirety of the break, at least give yourself one day to just stop and relax. If it makes you feel better you can even double up on the work you planned to do one day so that you can relax more the next day.
But no matter how you do it, just take a moment to breathe and do something you enjoy. It will clear your head and make you that much more ready for finals.