I don't like endings. I feel empty when I finish a book or T.V. show that captivated me for an inordinate amount of time. Because then I have to start something new which may not be as good as what I just finished. But endings not only have their place, they are some of the most important things in life. Endings have a way of shaking us up, destroying ruts, and allowing us to see the bigger picture behind it all.
As recently as a few weeks ago, my grandfather died. Not only was it the end of his life, it was the end of my experiences with him. And that's really why death is so hard. For those who go through it, it's as easy as falling asleep after a long day. It's those who are left behind that feel it. That have to deal with it. Who have to pick up the pieces and try to return to how things used to be.
But that's the point of endings. Endings are important because they remind us that things are always changing, things will never stop changing, and things will never go back to the way they used to be. And that's fine because "different" doesn't have to mean good or bad. It's simply a different experience.
For the seniors, this ending is perhaps bigger than anything you've ever faced before. Unless pursuing higher education, you are done with formal schooling and moving into the "real world". Friends will move away. You'll get a low rent apartment that has an oven of dubious intentions and cutlery from the Dollar Store. But you'll figure out how to adult.
For juniors, at least for me, the end of this year marks the end of my traditional college experience. Next semester I'll be living off campus and working at my internship site instead of going to classes. That crazy thing called "responsibility" is looming over all of us, waiting to turn us all into boring adults who talk about their 9-5 at networking events where you find yourself wishing the punch was jungle juice.
For sophomores, this end marks the beginnings of maturity. You've lived away from home for a couple years now and college is perhaps feeling a bit more like home than your parents' house does. You start really learning about yourself. What you want, what you like, and what you might want to do with your life. Though you'll probably flip flop about 8 times before you graduate if you're anything like me.
And freshman. (Oh, you.) The best thing about the end of freshman year is that you aren't a freshman anymore, right? You've made your mistakes. You learned how to do laundry and properly cook dinner without setting off the fire alarm. And now you've got a whole year before you have to figure your shit out. Enjoy it while you can because it does go by fast.
The funny thing about endings is it's hard to really tell when something ends, and when the next thing begins. And that's because they're really just one in the same. The beginning and the end are the same event. It all just depends on your perspective.