These days, if you don’t have a squad, I genuinely feel sorry for you. Although we can thank Taylor Swift for the increasing popularity of having a “squad,” it’s pretty much always been a thing. I’ve always thought having a handful of close friends as opposed to several different acquaintances was always the better route, but as I grow up, the benefits of having best friends instead of just friends are becoming more obvious. That's not to say you shouldn't have more than one group of friends because believe me, that is just as important. However, having a squad definitely has its perks.
First of all, my squad is practically obligated to respond to me in our group chat, and that’s not just specific to my squad. It doesn’t matter how random, irrelevant, or flat out stupid my text is; someone will always reply something just as random/irrelevant/stupid. Of course, it’s crucial that you don’t abuse this power because then you may see adverse reactions. That being said, you can rarely text your squad too much -- especially when you are apart. This is so important, especially in college. My friends and I are all over the place during the school year, so being able to communicate regardless of where we are in the country has been a blessing.
Secondly, you and your squad have endless possibilities for entertainment. There is a reason your squad is your squad; you all have common interests and can be entertained in just about the same ways. For example, my squad and I will usually go out for ice cream at our favorite ice cream parlor and then find a random movie to watch at someone’s house. To us, there’s nothing better than ice cream, movies, and a little company. Other times, we will get dressed up and go to a nice restaurant for no reason -- and then complain about how broke we all are. It doesn’t matter what you and your squad do, as long as you are all together, you are destined to have a great night.
Finally, if something ever goes wrong in your life, you have an entire group of people’s shoulders to cry on! Having a squad is as close as you can get to having a second family, and that’s not something to take lightly. Your squad is your people, and they will be there no matter what. It doesn’t even matter what the problem is either: from minor reality checks to broken hearts, your squad will have your back 100 percent of the time. The best part of this guarantee is that looking out for you is not something they have to do…they genuinely want to do it. At the end of the day, if someone messes with someone in your squad, it’s an immediate group affair. It’s like the U.N., except for your squad.
I am so fortunate to have the friends that I have, and if you haven’t found your squad just yet, I am confident that they are waiting right around the corner for you!