There is a lot of emphasis and pressure placed on consistently being around others or even being in a relationship in this day in age. You see it seemingly everywhere you turn: social media, movies, tv shows, amongst peers, etc, and it has also been continuously engrained into our heads for as long as, I'm sure, most of us can remember. For our generation, you're not doing anything of importance unless it is with others. And, in a more broad sense, being in a relationship as opposed to being single seems to be of the utmost concern and basic goal. Too often you see girls and guys jumping in and out of different relationships without much of a second thought or break in between. This, in part, can be accredited to our society's continued expectations regarding the notion of being alone.
There seems to be this taboo in place in regards to spending time alone. It is often frowned upon and dreaded. People fear being single because of the implications behind it: independence, free time, and solitude. In another way, spending a Friday night in while watching Netflix alone is also feared and frequently avoided. Why has this become so widely accepted and in place?
There is beauty behind being alone. One cannot learn to be around others or to even be successful in a relationship without first knowing how to be alone. It is truly of great importance and it so often overlooked and avoided. You can learn so much about yourself, some things you would not be able to learn otherwise, just by spending time with just yourself. You learn what is important to you, what you love, where your favorite places are, what makes you happy, and seriously so much more.
In addition, you learn one important thing - if not the most important - how to love yourself. And, as cheesy as it may sound, that is an essential thing to learn how to do. Learning such a thing enables you to go through life, untouchable by the misfortunes that may arise. You are also untouchable by those who wish to bring you down or challenge who you are. You are resilient, because you love and respect who you are. You are ready for the obstacles that are to come.
And, only after learning how to love yourself can you learn to truly love others. That is why it is important to take a step back and spend that essential time alone before stepping out with others, whether it be with a group of friends or in a relationship. Although, for some, it may sound scary at first, it will benefit you greatly in the long run. So spend that Friday night in your living room watching your favorite show on Netflix. You will be surprised how liberating doing just that can feel. Take a drive alone. Go shopping alone and treat yourself to a new shirt. Do plenty of things alone and spend some time single, as well. Find happiness in being alone. It is important to know who you are, what you stand for, and how to make yourself happy before adding someone else in the mix.
Learn to bask in the glory of being alone. I promise you, the benefits are endless.