Coming to college can be a change for anyone, especially if you have never been on your own before. With that being said, everyone knows that it is best to find friends that you can consider family around the school. It is extremely important for you to have a relationship with your roommate or roommates, you can build a bond that will be last for the rest of your years at any university. Even if you don’t personally select your own roommate, the one given to you was given based on an assessment which means you had something in common. Each student should move in with a clear mind and open opportunity to become close with their roommate because it will benefit each person in the end. No matter how much you think you can survive college away from home alone, you are still going to need people on campus to motivate you and push you as if they were your real family.
Starting out my freshman year at Radford University, I got a chance to pick my roommate. My roommate was from the same town as me, but we just only knew each other, never talked or anything before coming to this university. We both came in with an open mind and became literally became the dynamic duo because we got along so well and were so much alike. We have been roommates for two years now, and we have grown so close to the point we are basically brothers. I know that is the person that I can always count on because when either of us needs something, we are both there no matter the situation.
This school year we got two more roommates since we moved into an apartment near the college campus. Even though all of us can be challenging together, we all have created a bond by helping one another and understanding each individual in the apartment. It isn’t easy at all living with three other people, but you have to make the best of it because this friends and bond that is being created will follow you for a lifetime, friends that won’t leave you high and dry without trying to help in any way. This is that family surrounding that I said every college student needs to experience since you are away from home and need people in your corner and on your side. Being away from home was challenging for me at first, but soon as I got my roommates in my corner everything was alright; I could finally be away from home and feel comfortable.
The moral of it all is that you should always hold a bond with any roommate you ever come in counter with. With my situation, it helped me because, through all of my rough times, my roommate was there for me and helped guide me through anything I needed help with. We all know that college is a different environment, but it is something that you have to get adjusted to and getting these bonds and relationship can help you through this change in surroundings and life. If you don’t try to communicate with or bond with your roommate you may feel just uncomfortable because you guys are going to live together either way, so you just try to make that move to be roommates who get along and are friends for a long time. You can make anything work as long as you put your mind to it and wish for the best, that bond is something that you are going to need to get through college when you can call home and get help or advice that you may need from a parent or family member.