This will not be your conventional argument for zodiac signs. No, I do not believe that every person fits exactly into the characteristics of their birth-given sign; however, I do see value in the concept of zodiacs. Zodiac signs are based on the belief that people have strong pre-determined personalities. This makes perfect sense to me. I have two older sisters and we all have extremely different personalities, despite the fact that we are genetically related and we grew up similarly. I believe that people are born with certain traits and while they change over time, deep down a person will always have the same core personality. The study of personality types can help in your social and professional life by allowing you to better understand yourself as well as how you react to different situations, how others perceive you, and how to work with people of other personality types.
Zodiac signs study personality types and their relationships to one another. Even if someone doesn't fit exactly into their specific zodiac sign, they will usually find themselves matching the description of another sign. My favorite part of any horoscope is the relationship section. This section analyzes how different signs will react in a relationship with one another. Personally, these have been pretty spot-on in my life. I think these studies are legitimate because they dissect personality types and how well they would work together. For example, a Virgo like myself and a Capricorn make a good match because they are both driven signs that will motivate and admire each other. On the flip side, a Virgo and a Leo is a horrible match because Virgos strive for perfection while Leos strive for power. Now, once again take into account that not everyone fits into their zodiac sign, but they can find one that matches their personality type. Analyzing someone's personality and seeing how it will affect your relationship with them is a great skill to have.
The daily horoscopes may be ridiculous on occasion, but in general they give pretty good advice. I like horoscopes that are broad, because they can be adjusted to fit a variety of situations. More specific daily horoscopes can sometimes be completely irrelevant. If you are looking for a website or app to give you your horoscope I suggest going for the less detailed ones since they tend to give better advice rather than specific predictions. Another aspect I like is that they take into account your personality and how you tend to react to certain situations. Since I fit into my sign very well, I can usually relate to my daily horoscopes. On occasion, they will eerily resemble a problem in my life or a concern of mine on a specific day, and when that happens it's really helpful to take the time to read them and use their advice. Reading my horoscope every morning starts my day off on a good note because I will keep that advice in the back of my mind and store it there until a situation arises where it can help me out.
Learning about my zodiac sign gave me insight to my own personality. When I first got into zodiacs and I was learning about my sign, it amazed me how similar I was to the typical Virgo. As I read more into it, I realized a lot about myself and parts of my personality that I had never thought about before. In our busy everyday lives we usually don't take time out to contemplate what kind of person we are, but we really should. I know much more about myself now than I did before I researched my sign's characteristics. Certain resources will give you different variations, but they all have a common core personality type for each sign. You can never be too young or too old to learn about yourself. Discovering new things about your personality can only be beneficial.
With my reasons for believing in zodiac signs out there, I encourage you to go and find the sign you fit into best and see what you can learn from it. Horoscope advice is always beneficial even if it isn't exactly on point with what you have going on in your life at that moment. Maybe this is my inner psychologist coming out, but I truly think it is vital to be able to understand your own personality and the personalities of those around you. Give it a try and see where it can take you.