On November 8th polls will be open and U.S. citizens will be able to cast their votes as to who they feel will be most fit to serve as Commander in Chief for the next four years in the Oval Office come January.
This means soon we won't have to see those Facebook arguments about which candidate is better and we can unanimously hate whoever wins (because no matter who's President they will be disliked regardless of the good or bad they do).
One thing history has shown consistently throughout the United States is its citizens' disdain for public officials, which certainly won't change after this election. People hated Lincoln, people hated Eisenhower and people most certainly hated Obama.
This election has been dubbed the "worst" in the history of Presidential elections. Unless you date back to 2012 when that was the worst Presidential election, and 2008 when that was the worst...or 1900 when that was the worst, etc.
One thing that is certain from this election is that both primary candidates have some major baggage. On one hand, you have a candidate who is under federal investigation for potentially leaking military secrets to opposing forces despite having lived in the White House, being a member of the Senate and serving as Secretary of State for the Obama administration prior to this election. On the other hand, you have Donald Trump.
There are also a few other candidates on the ballot including the ever-so-popular Gary Johnson, who, to put it subtly, is entertaining. Johnson's popularity skyrocketed after Bernie Sanders lost the Democratic nomination to Clinton; which actually makes no sense seeing as he and Sanders share not even a handful of similarities in regards to policy.
The justification behind many of these people is, "well at least he's not Hilary", which is also a major reasoning for many of Trump's supporters. Who's to blame them? I mean it makes sense they don’t want Clinton. The former secretary has some skeletons in her pantsuit-filled closet; including her involvement in the deaths of four American soldiers in Benghazi, her control over the media and recently the accusations of her knowing the debate questions prior to her square-off against Sanders for the Democratic bid to presidency.
People also say that they aren't voting for the Democratic candidate because "she supported her cheating husband," yet these same critics went out, bought and raved over Beyoncé’s Lemonade. They further justify their distaste of Clinton's lack of obligation towards women by publicly endorsing a man who is undergoing federal charges for child molestation, in addition to a slew of sexual assault charges by women.
It's fine, I get it. Clinton is sketchy and corrupt, and I am certainly not here to plead her case, but this just flat out does not make sense.
If you are concerned about women's rights, Mr. Trump should not be who gets your vote. If you are going to vote for the business-tycoon make sure it's because you don't want stricter tax laws and want to increase control over immigration. Heck, even if you don't want a politician to be the next President that would make sense.
But don't vote for Trump or Clinton on a basis that one is more moral than the other. Vote for whoever's policies you agree with. Look at their stance on human rights, tax, immigration and how they plan to balance the budget. Look for the one who has a solution you believe in and go from there.
If you know nothing about the election, don't vote. You probably don't care that much, which is sad, but that is your right as an American.
You shouldn’t vote for Clinton because a majority of your friends are voting for her, just like you shouldn’t vote for Trump because your parents are Republican and how you shouldn't vote for Johnson because Sanders isn't a candidate. If you are voting on measures certainly find out what they are prior to Nov. 8th. Although Measure 4 might not matter to you, it could change someone else's life. If you have no idea what something is or who the person running is, leave it blank and move on.
It is every American citizen's right to vote and nothing can stop you from doing so come Election Day. If you do choose to exercise your right as an American please educate yourself. It matters.