Police officers have a large stigma around them. Right now, they are seen as these evil and corrupt people. I'm not saying that there are not corrupt people in the authority background, cause there are some out there. There should be more rules for them and better training. Many police officers do not deserve their role. It's difficult to understand why so many are corrupt. However, should we let one group affect our view of a whole population? Words can't describe the views I have heard and seen. Especially on social media. Seeing the worst, most scary things that people put on the people that are meant to protect us. It nearly brings me to tears. I know that there are people have had bad experiences which are understandable. However, many do not deserve to be called rats and they definitely don't deserve threats of death and worse.
Many people have said that we would be better off without the police, but can you honestly imagine the world with no control or discipline? Who would stop the robbers? Who would save that child from his abusive parents? or come to your rescue after you were in a car accident? The police are that there to "bust your fun" They are here to make streets safer, sometimes the streets are still not safe but the good officers do everything they can to save as many people as possible. Some people try to blame the police for the wrong reasons. For example, they gave you a speeding ticket because you were going twice over the speed limit to prevent you from possibly killing a family of four down the road, and yourself included.
The hard part is recognizing that from the one or few police officers that you have encountered, for that one corrupt officer there is 30 more that are doing their jobs for the right reasons. It's understandable to be afraid or angry sometimes, but it's important to remember that are here to help and protect. Some officers do need to understand this and work harder.
I ask you to make your own opinion of them. Don't believe everything you read online or in the paper, things like that are made on bias opinions and are meant to cause an uproar for more views. Instead, talk to them. Yes, they are everywhere because they need to be. Say hi in the supermarket, ask them questions. It's the best way to get to know the ones in your community and with one conversation, you get a glimpse of their character and personality. You'd be amazed how much they would appreciate face to face interaction when they might not have had any watching your street by themselves for their ten-hour shifts. Keep an open mind. The right ones are looking out for you to serve and to protect.