What is the key to happiness? This is the question everyone seeks to answer and the lifelong goal we are constantly striving for. While there may not be a universal answer, there are some things a person can do to help achieve their own level of happiness, whatever that may be. One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to live in the present and live in the moment. By living each day you have to the fullest and solely experiencing that day for what it is, you leave so many troubles behind. When you’re caught up in the glory of the present, your past struggles may not be forgotten, but ease up and seem so small compared to the great of today. It helps you realize how much you accomplish each day and how far you may have come from those past issues. This being said, it's important to realize that living in the present improves your life because it decreases your worries for the future. The future will happen regardless of your worries and before it happens you truly don’t know how it’s going to go. So, instead of stress about it, wait until it presents itself to you and enjoy the time you do know and you do have. By living in the moment you can enjoy each sensation imaginable for that very one moment whether it be cooking dinner, going to work, being surrounded by family or laughing with your friends.
The moment I was able to live in the present I realized a dramatic change in the way I felt towards each day. I remember looking forward to Mondays because to me they were not this unfortunate and miserable day, instead they were simply another day that I was blessed with and able to experience in the best ways possible. By living in the present I am able to fall in love with all of the little things some of us may take for granted day in and day out. By living in the present I am able to appreciate having my family with me and healthy for even just that one day or something as simple as being able to appreciate how fast my car can warm up when there's ice on my windshield. I realize that each day is something beautiful and something to be happy for.
The moment is now, the moment is all you know and all you have the power to change; so focus on the now and you may see the light of happiness each and every day. Life is what you make it, so instead of thinking about the then or there, think about today. What are you doing now?