The Importance of Living in the Moment | The Odyssey Online
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Living In The Moment Is The Best Way To Live Your Best Life

Yes, we tend to get caught up in our needs, the past, and the future but if you can live in the now, you will end up having a simpler and happier lifestyle.

Living In The Moment Is The Best Way To Live Your Best Life
Rene Jarus

Wherever we go we are in a hurry. Trying to finish a report on time or eat before our next meeting or class. Cities are filled with people running around and shoving others to get where they need to be. In today's society, we all seem to be caught up in the future, what we have to do tomorrow or how we're going to graduate.

We all remain worried, scared or longing for what is about to happen that we don't even see all we have accomplished and what we already have.

Yes, it is essential to prepare for the future and it is completely normal to anticipate what will happen or mourn what occurred in the past, but when doing this too much, it is possible to lose happiness. When living in the moment you are much more likely to be appreciative and grateful for what you have while enjoying life and your successes.

Osho once said that "When you are here and now, sitting totally, not jumping ahead, the miracle has happened. To be in the moment is a miracle." This directly correlates to the fact that we should be treating the now as if it were a gift (literally, because we also call it the present). All of the experiences that people achieve or attend cannot be nearly as enjoyable if we stay in the mindset of what is to come next. However, it is not only what we have to do.

We also become too distracted with physical and mental wants versus what we actually need.

Everyone wants the new iPhone, car, and many other products after already having older models that are in good condition.

It is about anticipation, but many of us still fail to realize that all of this waiting and hoping doesn't get you anywhere and will only leave you more stressed and miserable than before. Learning to appreciate your experiences and materials that you already have is a satisfying feeling that will make you look back and think, I'm glad I did that and really paid attention while doing so, or, good luck I saved my money and didn't waste it all on the newest technology. When doing this not only will you remember those memories better but it will ease stress and anxiety by choosing to make better decisions and living your memories out fully.

Living out every moment to the fullest and focusing in on the moment will make the timeline of your life a whole lot better. First off looking back at your old memories and regretting that you didn't take the leap of faith or really take in all of the amazing opportunities going on is one of the worst feelings.

If you get out everything you can of a situation not only will you feel full of accomplishment but while going through these experiences you will feel happier too.

If you look at your life as getting from one checkpoint to the next, you will never realize what you're missing out on or you will live in a life of constant regret.

For example, if you were in a class where you are required to listen in on lectures and other activities, you want to get everything out of it by asking questions, taking notes, and making connections with others that can possibly benefit you in the future. When going on vacation, it is important to focus on all that is around you such as historical sites or beautiful architecture and nature rather than worrying about all of the things you must do when you return. Living out experiences and opportunities to the fullest will help minimize the amount of regret in your life and increase the amount of contentedness and appreciation.

What I want you to get out of this article is that yes, we all have needs, stressors, and goals that we spend a lot of time thinking about. But it doesn't mean these distractions should overcome the importance of enjoying what you already have and the present life you are living.

Life is too short and if we let the future of past get in the way, we will grow old and have doubts that we didn't live our lives to the full potential.

Living in the moment is necessary for having a lifetime of happiness and accomplishment.

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