There is a steep importance when it comes to keeping good company. What exactly is “good company?” Growing up, I was always taught that it is better to have one good friend instead of ten fake friends. When surrounding yourself with optimistic, positive people, it is essential to remember that the quality of them is more important than the quantity of them.
Surrounding yourself with great company can only benefit you in the long run. According to a man named Jim Rohn, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” To an extent, I believe this wholeheartedly. If the five people you surround yourself with are positive, hardworking, motivating people, then there’s a chance you will be like that as well.
It’s wonderful to have friends, family and loved ones who support and motivate you. Sure, self-motivation is greatly respectable and can be completely successful, but there’s nothing like having an extra push from those who make you a better person.
It’s not even all about how they make you a better person; it’s also about how they make you feel. Those who are toxic to you will bring you down and only affect you in negative ways. Cutting out that toxic person from your life and replacing them with someone better can make all the difference in your mood and your life in general. If you surround yourself with people who always put you down, you are going to put yourself down, too. Striving for greatness amongst yourself is a little easier with the help of motivating individuals that you keep by your side.
I can bet that we have all had our fair share of surrounding ourselves with toxic people. Genuinely, I can say that I was never affected positively from anyone toxic that I had by my side. It’s neither fun nor fair to yourself to involve yourself with other individuals that only bring you down and don’t want to see you succeed. There's such thing as people who suck the life out of you, along with your happiness and motivation. Those are people that you do not need. Good company includes people who support you and are there to help and see you strive and reach for the best. Life is too short to solely be around bad company all of the time. Things goes a lot smoother when you have those who can make you laugh and feel positive.
If you are currently surrounding yourself with people that don’t make you feel great, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself if these people care for you, support you, make you feel better and enjoy watching you strive. If you can’t say “yes” to any of those, then it may be time to reconsider who you surround yourself with. Since we are all different, good company can vary from person to person. However, there will always be an underlying truth that keeping good company can make your life a more positive life. Don’t forget to think of yourself and what you believe is the best for you.