In this society, girls are pitted against each other, raised to believe that we are each other's competition for trivial things such as male attention and beauty and taught that we are all catty and superficial. It breaks my heart when I see girls fall into this society made stereotype. Contrary to popular belief, girls aren't born being caddy, gossipy, superficial and competitive over boys. Girls are caring, supportive and loving.
Some of my best girl friends I can call sobbing, and they'll talk to me for so long until I feel better, and by the end of the conversation we're laughing and talking about our lives. I have girl friends that I haven't talked to in months, but if they were to call me crying I would do the same for them. Girls are kind, sensitive and caring. Society wants the world and us to believe that we're gossipy, that we talk about and secretly hate all our friends- but that's just not the case.
Having a group of supportive girls around you is the most powerful weapon you can have. These girls will stand up for you, reassure you, motivate you and give you confidence when yours is faltering.
If you're currently not in any friendships like this, start making some changes. It can be hard to break the mold society put you in, but start giving your friends genuine compliments, stop comparing yourself to them and stop talking badly about other girls. The last one is definitely one of the most important things you can do. I remember I used to have a lot of friends in high school that all I would do with them is judge other girls and talk badly about them, some of those girls being our other friends.
In this society it is so important to not bash other girls because society is so hard on women in general, we should at least have allies in other women. So stand up for other girls, defend them and fiercely protect your friendships.