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The Importance Of Friendship As Told By The Friends Of 'Friends'

... because in all honesty, who could explain it any better?!?

The Importance Of Friendship As Told By The Friends Of 'Friends'

Friends are a life necessity. There are so many reasons why having friends is important. We all love our family and we know they will always be there for us, but friends can sometimes give you support that family cannot. Friends are one of life's greatest treasures.

Don't believe me? Maybe the cast of Friends can better explain it to you.

Always having someone to celebrate with 


Always having somebody to get excited over your accomplishments. Whether you got a promotion or cleaned your room, friends are great for encouragement and praise.

Always having someone to fight battles with

Friends are great alliances in any battle you decide to take on. Fights with ex boyfriends, girl fights, food fights, etc.

Always having someone to check up on you


Even though it may get annoying at times, at the end of the day it is nice to have someone to check up on you and ask how you are doing. Never know when one day you may need someone to talk to.

Always having someone to play games with

Whether its monopoly or a full on game of football, it's nice to know you have people there to let lose with.

Always having someone to exercise with

Finding the motivation to exercise can be rough, having someone to hold you accountable and suffer through it can make it fun.

Always having someone to come home to after a rough day

Friends are always there for you when you just need a hug or to have a talk. Which is especially helpful after a long hard day.

Always there to share secrets and keep them

Friends are great people to share people with. Holding a secret in is one of the hardest things, so having someone to spill the beans to is a relief.

Always a shoulder to cry on 


Good friends will have your back no matter what. They may give you advice that you don't want to hear, but friends have your best interest in mind, so appreciate having someone that cares enough about you to tell you the truth.

Always a driving buddy

Driving can get lonely and boring, having someone to navigate and work the stereo makes road trips all the better.

And Finally, Always having someone to have fun with


When you find your people life is so much more fun. Friends are great to have when you just want to let lose and be silly.

Having friends is one of the biggest blessings in life. Let's face it, your family can drive you crazy at times, it's nice to have some people to escape to. Having people there for you to help you handle different things in life is everything.

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