We all love our electronic devices. It’s amazing to have the entire world at our finger tips and the ability to do pretty much anything with one click is enthralling.
But what happened to actually doing things?
I love my smartphone just as much as the next person and I’m on in it more than I would like to admit. However, I think it’s time to put it away. I don’t mean cleanse yourself from it for a week, or even for a day, I’m just talking about from time to time.
I go out to eat with my friends a good amount, and I’m constantly noticing that we are always on our phones. We are physically with each other but instead of communicating and enjoying the time we’re sharing, we’re instead connecting with other people through a virtual reality. While sitting at the dinner table I find myself texting and browsing through social media. Which begs the question: what is the point of making plans in the first place when I’m just going to sit there and ignore them?
It is so important to look around you and really take in what you’re experiencing. The people and places that surround you are a part of who you are. It’s great to be with friends and family and enjoy your time spent here, because it’s a short life. We are too focused on what other people are doing that we forget about our own lives. It’s time to be selfish and pay attention to ourselves. Put down your phone and really listen to what others are saying, take in your surroundings, and understand where you are. Taking time for yourself is a necessity, it leaves you able to process and figure out who you are. Your goals and aspirations, what you actually want in life. This is much easier to do when you disconnect and forget about the endless possibilities on the inter-webs.
Disconnecting allows you to be you and do what makes you happy. You aren’t focused on what people online will think of what you’re doing and you will spend time with the people who you really care about.
Leave your phone at home when you’re going somewhere with friends, or simply turn it off. Sometimes I like to turn off my data so that I can still text and call, but I’m not tempted by Snapchat notifications or e-mail alerts.
While the internet is a wonderful thing and smartphones often times help us, it’s important to be able to put your phone down. It’s okay to not text someone every second of the day, or know what’s going on in every single one of your Twitter follower’s lives. And on the days you have nothing to do and want to spend time on your phone, that’s okay too. Everything in moderation.