One of the most critical things that is so often and easily forgotten is communication. Communication is so important for relationships to thrive, but yet so many times people do not communicate; whether it is the fear of how someone will react or the situation where people forget about it, communication is not taken advantage of like it should be. Imagine how many relationships would still be together and how many sticky situations could have been avoided if the simple act of communication would have just taken place. So often people blow up on those closest to them over tension that has been building for a while and the person getting blown up on was not even aware of any tension because it was not communicated to them. So often people are mislead and mistreated all because someone did not communicate to them the disinterest they had. So many relationships have been sacrificed and ruined because communication did not have the big role it always should have. I am guilty of not communicating because I was scared of how the other person would react and I used to be terrified of confrontation because of what could result from it; something I have had to instill in myself is communication. I have learned to communicate, and although I still struggle with it, I have gotten much better at it.
Never let the fear of how the other person may react prevent you from communicating with them; if you communicate with them and they get upset about it, they are in the wrong, not you. Communication will never be a bad idea, but no communication will always be a bad idea. A lot of the times I think people forget that no one can read their mind; withholding information from someone and then blowing up on them about something that was never discussed will always be unfair and a huge disadvantage to the other person. How can someone fix something that they did not think needed fixing? If someone has hurt your feelings, offended you in any way, or you simply miss someone being around, say something; the worse that can happen is they do not see it the way you want them to, but at least you communicated the problem to them. Talking will get you a lot further than not and communication will fix the problem before no communication.