Ah! We are in the midst of our first, brief break. Similar to many of my college peers, I wait in utter anticipation for long weekends and breaks from school. Don't get me wrong here, I love going to school, just as much as I enjoy a Sunday brunch.
However, time away from any given situation can be beneficial to a great degree. Among the intense college workload, demanding social scene, and fast-paced college culture, I want to remind you all of one thing...
It is completely okay to take a break. I am well-aware that this time of year serves as an incredibly stressful time. Mid-terms, missing home, and most of all those assignments that simply seem redundant but are sadly obligatory.
Put away the homework and study material. Put away your cell phone for a few hours and take time to fully embrace any free time that you may have.
No matter if it is reading a favorite book of yours, binge-watching a certain program on Netflix, going to the gym, or even laying down and enjoying silence, just DO IT!
I can assure you that the work that you may be stressing out about, will be there after you take the much needed time to relax. Also, don't look at you taking time for yourself as a awful thing. After all, rest does the human body a great deal of good.
Take a little time and enjoy yourself!