Many people view being opinionated as a negative quality, but why is that? Is it really so bad for someone to have strong feelings and views about something? I, for one, don’t think it is.
Maybe you think that because I’m opinionated that I’m also close-minded and judgmental. But that’s not true at all. Just because I believe strongly about something does not mean I’m not open to hearing other people’s opinions. And when I listen to other people’s opinions, and they listen to mine? Well, that’s what we like to call a conversation and sometimes even a debate.
That is why being opinionated is so important. When you have a bunch of different attitudes and points of view in a room, it ignites a discussion. Are you necessarily going to change someone else’s opinion? Most likely, no, but that’s not the point. The point is, it gets people talking, and when people talk, things get a little more interesting.
There are always going to be people who try to invalidate your opinion, but you can’t just give up a belief because others disagree with it. For me, this really applies to my political beliefs. I am a college student. I am also a Republican with pretty conservative viewpoints, and I'm surrounded by many people my age who consider themselves Democrats. I have been called a racist and a homophobe, among other things. Am I either of those? No. When people say negative things about my political beliefs do I hold back or change my opinion? Hell no.
It’s important to stick to your opinions and voice them. Now, that doesn’t mean your opinion can’t change; it can. However, make sure that you’re not just changing your attitude because others want you to. Remember that you’re entitled to your own opinion — don’t let anyone take that away from you.
Being opinionated does not just apply to politics. It applies to virtually everything and anything. You can have an opinion about fashion, a professor, a person, the list goes on and on. Just be sure that you actually have the facts and everything you need to support your opinion. If you're going to have an opinion about something, you need to be informed.
If you disagree with someone’s opinion, don’t just call it stupid and walk away. Argue it. Either you’ll change that person’s mind or you won’t, what have you got to lose?
Opinions make up the foundation of conversation, so be opinionated. Don’t you want to make life a little more interesting? Because I do.