With another Thanksgiving approaching, it's important to reflect on what we are all thankful for. But we shouldn't only designate one day to express our thanks; we should think about something we are grateful for each day.
By being grateful, we can easily transform a bad day into a good one (or at least, a slightly better day). Imagine you're having a sh*tty day--your car battery died, you didn't turn in an assignment on time, and (God forbid) you shattered your phone screen. Obviously you're going to be in a pretty poor mood. However, if you take a moment to think about some of the positive things you have in your life--even something as small as the warm bed you get to crawl into at the end of the day--your perspective can instantly be improved. Sure, you can't drive your car anywhere at the moment, and yeah, you're going to get a zero on that assignment. But at least you have a car, and at least you have the opportunity to get an advanced education. By being thankful for what we do have, we can put things into perspective and keep an optimistic attitude, even on the worst of days.
With that all being said, here is a list of small (and big) things I am thankful for every day:
1. My family-- for always being there for me, in good and bad times, and for loving me unconditionally
2. My mom -- for supporting me in every activity I'm involved in, for cleaning up after me when I leave my mess laying around the house, for making the best tacos, for listening to me complain about school/guys/life in general, for finding everything I lose, and for always reminding me to never walk home alone (even though it annoys me to no end)
3. My dad -- for never failing to make me laugh, for being my personal coach and trainer in any sport I've ever played, for giving me your last $20 bill even when you need it more than me, for telling me I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, for giving me the most rational and level-headed advice even when I'm being irrational
4. My friends -- for doing stupid sh*t with me, for being my personal counselor, for putting up with me when I'm at my best and worst, for always standing by my side
5. Good food -- because so many people can't afford it
6. Laughter -- because who doesn't like a good laugh?
7. My bed -- because it keeps me comfy and warm
8. My dog -- for loving me and remembering me even when I disappear to college for a few months before coming back to visit, for always being happy, for laying by my side when I'm sick
9. Good health -- because a healthy life is a happy life
10. Weekends -- for giving me time to rest when I need it and for allowing me to have a social life
11. My education -- for providing me with growing knowledge every day, for giving me opportunity to discover what I'm passionate about
12. Exercise -- for keeping me mentally and physically healthy, for helping me maintain my sanity
13. Sunny weather- because it brightens my day (literally and figuratively)
14. Safety -- because I wake up without fear, because I can life my life freely
15. My car -- for allowing me to travel to cool places, for allowing me to reach a destination quickly, for allowing me to drive with no destination
16. Pain and Hardship -- for allowing me to appreciate the good times more, for providing me with perspective
17. Sunsets -- because they are beautiful, because they remind me how amazing our natural world is
18. Stars -- for being awe-inspiring, for reminding me how big the universe is and how small my problems are
19. Technology -- for providing me with an instant form of communication, for helping the development of modern medicine
20. Good music -- for invoking emotions
21. My favorite sweatpants -- for being so damn comfortable
22. A really good hug -- for making me feel safe/loved/appreciated
23. My favorite TV show -- because it will always put me in a good mood
24. Sports -- for teaching me how to be fearless, for providing me with competitive goals, for helping me strive for constant improvement, for inspiring me