I walk to class with one headphone in my ear, the other swinging alongside me, allowing me to enjoy the simultaneous sound of my favorite song, as well as the noises of my surroundings. Although it seems minimal and unimportant, this walk to class is the most essential part of my day. The reason I cherish this part of my day so much is because it is one of the only times I am undisturbed and alone with my thoughts. It is scientifically proven that the brain requires alone time to recharge and reflect. Without this, the brain cannot properly process information in order to function at the best of its ability. Humans are able to retain a plethora of information so it is absolutely crucial to give our brains the proper chance to organize and process this information.
It is extremely important to make the distinction between being lonely, and having alone time. Being lonely can cause depressive symptoms while alone time is actually beneficial to one’s health. We must learn to value our relationship with ourselves more greatly than our relationships with other people. Although that may sound narcissistic, don’t take it the wrong way. Not having enough alone time can stress us out and heighten the risks of straining our relationships with other people. It can be challenging to avoid becoming obsessed with the need to interact with others on a constant basis. Especially with the prevalence of social media in today’s world, we are constantly surrounded by everyone, even when we’re not. What I mean by that is we’re not ever really alone if we are incessantly on our phones texting, snapchatting, etc. That is exactly why it is extremely essential to unplug and unwind in order to remind ourselves that our happiness does not depend on other people. You will be utterly relieved when you unplug yourself from useless information like knowing what that dude in your math class had for lunch today via Instagram, or what Kim Kardashian wore 3 days ago via Twitter.
This is not an argument that you should become anti-social; in fact, the right amount of social interaction is essential to your sanity as well. Spending time alone will also allow you to appreciate the people who are close to you. Giving yourself time and space will actually make your time spent with your friends and family more enjoyable. It may not be easy to find the right balance, but allowing yourself a decent amount of alone time will gradually get you there. So start today. Solitude is crucial to your sanity. You may be pleasantly surprised about what you learn about your thoughts, your surroundings, and yourself.