Have you ever found yourself loathing over a celebrity, or looking at someone’s Instagram, wishing that you were more like them? I know I have. Let’s face it we're all human, and in today’s world, between reality TV, the news, and the plethora of social media outlets that surround us, people’s glamorized personal lives are thrown in our faces everywhere we look.
Comparing oneself to others can be the root to living unhappily. Why do we do this to ourselves? We are continuously obsessing over perfection, debating whether or not we’re good enough. When in actuality we are good enough and we are perfect. Perfection isn’t tailored down to a specific science, rather it’s a form of uniqueness. Each and every one of us is perfect in our own individual way, and that right there is the beauty of the world. Why try to be like someone else when you were meant to shine in your own skin. Yes, it's normal and natural to have people in your life that act as positive role models, people who help you evolve into your best self. But it's different when you find yourself getting sad and agonizing when hearing about or seeing other people’s lives. Comparison is natural, but if you're constantly trying to be like others it's a sign that you need to do some soul searching. It’s time that you start to realize what's important in life, and learn how to embrace the mantra of your own life.
Stop hiding your true self in order to fit in. Strive to live a life that you are proud of. Once you stop worrying about what others think and comparing yourself to ungodly figures, you will begin living for yourself. It might seem impossible now, but once you learn to detach yourself from the mal-intentions of society you will learn the essence of true internal happiness. And that right there is the greatest gift that life can offer. Yes, we should always care about those around us, but first in order to properly do that we must learn to care and love ourselves. We need to be true to ourselves to be happy. At the end of the day, all we have to fall back on is ourself.
Have the courage to love a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you. Don’t live your life impressing others. If people can’t accept you for the true you then they are not worth your time. Believe me, it is hard to learn this, but once you realize how valuable this message is, your life will ten times better than you could have ever imagined. You will look back and wonder why you thought you could never be able to live without the approval of that one single person you vied so hard to make like you. But you can and once you do you will be surprised at all the positivity that your life will begin to bestow. So dare to live and be free to wander. Happy soul-searching!