As a college student, it is easy to get caught up in your own world of classes, activities, friends and fun. It is important to take time out of your week to call your parents or check up on your brother and even send your grandma an email.
We often don't realize that our families miss us when we are gone because of how busy we become once we arrive at campus. Our parents don't want to bother us so they just wait until we have time to reach out to them. We forget that our little brothers and sisters also miss us when we're gone. They might need our advice on something or just want to laugh with us regarding something our parents did. Our grandparents also shouldn't be forgotten.
I think it's so important to catch up with your grandparents at least every few weeks. Cherish your family. They're the ones that love you no matter what. They want you to be successful and have fun, but they also want to hear about the fun and success you are having. Of course, they're there to listen to your hardships and complaints, but that shouldn't be the only time you reach out to your family. You've lived your whole life with these people and all of a sudden you are away from them for months on end. Pick up the phone, send a text, send a photo of you and your friends at a game or text your brother something funny that happened during your day. The littlest things can mean the most sometimes. Tell the people around you that you love them and keep them updated on your life.
They'll appreciate it more than you know.