During the holiday season, the term "home" is brought up over and over again. It is usually sung that one "will be home for Christmas," but what does that truly mean? It is given that Christmas and the holiday season are times for being with loved ones and being in one's house, but how are these two concepts truly connected and interwoven with one another? What is the true significance of the concept of being "home"?
Home is a word we don't really contemplate on a daily basis. It is a simple four lettered word, synonymous with house and dwelling, yet it seems to have a different meaning everywhere one goes. What does home actually mean to others? What makes it so much more than simply meaning house or place where one lives; what makes it all the more personal? Is there something special about this word at all?
Well, I can't speak for other people, but for my family, home means so much more to us than a simple place to kick our feet up at night after a day of work. My dad, especially after starting college, emphasized to me that our home should feel like a safe haven to every member of our family.
Home is not simply a place with a roof and four walls, it is a place where you can comfortably lay down your burdens without feeling a bit of judgement. Home is a place where you can return to and relax physically, mentally, and emotionally. Home is filled with people that love and care about you more than anyone else in the world.
However, home has many different connotations and definitions. Home doesn't have to be a place, a building, or even a house. For some, home is a familiar activity; home is a favorite hobby or craft. For others, home is the company of another person; home can be your closest friends, your significant other, or any person you have a close relationship with.
The personal relationship one has with their home makes this word completely unique in comparison to house and living space; home is especially special because it means something personal and close to every single person. Overall, "home" is a very versatile word with multiple definitions and meaning; one person's definition of home may be different than the next person's, but that's what makes the term so special. Home is like a snowflake, not one is exactly the same as another.
Home is more than just a four lettered word. It is surrounded by a feeling of love and safety. Though different for every single person, we can all connect on the warmth that the feeling of finding "home" creates.