I know college life is hectic and crazy, and that includes college dating life. If you are dating someone, know that there is such importance in having a significant other that will pray with you. I can’t stress this enough. I’ve always been a religious person, and I’m so content in knowing that I found someone with the same passion for Jesus.
I’ve been going through a lot of tough times lately, and the person who has stuck by my side the most has been my boyfriend. The most helpful thing he has done for me is that he has consistently prayed for me. When I call him at midnight, worried and upset about life, he’s not embarrassed or weirded out to ask me, “Can I pray for you?” When I’m alone and anxious, he will come over, hold me, and simply pray over me. When life seems dark, hearing his comforting words and his surrender to God brings indescribable peace.
Take it from me when I say thatit’s so incredibly awesome to find, in a person, a willingness to speak to their Creator about you.
As much as I don’t like this quality about myself, I, like many other people, dread praying out loud. I mean, what will people think of me? What if I say something stupid? What if there’s a really awkward silence because I don’t know what to say? Well, guess what? None of this matters. It’s not about the person listening beside you. It’s about God. Keep in mind you are communicating with the being that loves you more than anyone could ever imagine. You’re not praying to impress anyone or to prove yourself. God doesn’t care if you don’t know what to say. God knows what’s on your heart. I’ve always known this, but I’ve really seen it in action when my boyfriend prays over me. He doesn’t have time to think about what he’s going to say. He just knows he needs to talk to God right then, and he does it.
Sometimes his prayers are silent, sometimes his prayers are outloud. Either way, I can definitely tell that our relationship is so much richer than any other I’ve ever had. Praying with someone creates a connection between you, them, and God. There is no better relationship-builder than prayer. I’m not saying my boyfriend and I are the picture perfect couple, but talking together to our Creator has made our relationship deeper than I could have imagined. When life doesn’t look so bright, I delight in knowing that I am dating someone who will pray with me through the darkness.
If you want to be at a place of prayer with your significant other, start the trend. It might be a little weird at first, but the gifts you receive from praying with someone are astounding.