I think we all can agree that being healthy is downright hard. It's not easy to eat right and exercise daily, especially in the fast-paced world we live in today. The easiest and tastiest meals are in the palm of our hands but at the expense of our bodies. The models we see in the media are as skinny as ever and we sit here wondering when that is going to happen to us. They are always throwing new regimen's at us as to how to, "Easily lose weight and be healthy". There's only one catch. Losing weight doesn't always amount to being healthy. It's a lifestyle. There are several things to remember when it comes to living healthier and better, but I feel like the biggest one that no one mentions is how important it is to strive to be healthy, not skinny.
I think the media has shaped our minds to automatically associate thinner people with healthiness because it is true that the most unhealthy people can be overweight. Along with that, the people we see on TV promoting healthiness are always thin and perfect. However, that can easily be the other way around. Not all thin people are healthy. Not all healthy people are thin.
Some people are naturally thin. I have always been a naturally thin girl, but that doesn't mean I've always been healthy. I hate hearing people ask me why I go to the gym, or why I try to watch what I eat. Why do I do these things when I'm naturally skinny? Because no matter what your build, it's important to strive to be stronger and healthier. Whether you're a size ten or a size zero, getting active and feeding your body nutritious things is necessary.
On the other hand, some people are naturally built bigger. No matter how hard the workouts get or how intense the diet is; size zero's just aren't meant to be, and it's important to know that's completely okay. As long as you are continuing to push yourself to eat right and keep an active lifestyle, your body will be just as healthy, and equally as beautiful, as the one that's four sizes down from you.
That's the beauty of it all. People come in all different shapes and sizes, but if you work hard to be healthy there's no reason not to be comfortable with your body. Sure, everyone has something they wish they could change about their physical appearance. For example, I always wished I had a perfectly flat stomach and I know I'm not the only girl out there to have thought that. I hate the rolls I get when I sit down and I wish my thighs were smaller (Don't we all). Instead of focusing on what you wish was different, focus on what you love about yourself. Be comfortable with the way you look. It's not about how many inches are on your waist but rather knowing you're fueling your body with the right things and feeling confident every day. Wear the swimsuit and don't let anyone tell you, you don't have the "right body for that". Show off that you're proud to be healthy. Not skinny.