This can speak truth behind multiple different categories and areas of your life. The image in school, work, sports, friendships, relationships or family life. You hold an image that nobody else can even fall relatively similar too. You hold your own standard, create your own image and have the ability to change it.
That is why it is so neat because you have the ability to create your impact on others around you and what your image does for your past, your future, and your present.
This is one of the many aspects that allow us to be an individual and one of our own. Which can be such a beautiful thing in society in the present days due to the bullying, and negativity that has become a constant battle for many.
We don't ever fully understand and see the impact the simplest of things may affect another person until it is brought to our attention by a similar thing happening to ourselves. Sometimes we pass by exactly what those actions can do until it is happening directly to us and then we are opened up to see exactly how intense it is.
From here we can personally relate to it, and see more clearly what kind of impact our words and actions can have on others. We have a numbered of days on this earth, and this is why it is so cruel to make each day count to your fullest and make the greatest impact possible.
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." – Albert Einstein