This is for those who feel like America has failed. This is for those who claim they are waking up scared for their lives. This is for those who actually think 50 percent of what Trump promised will happen. This is not an apology for pulling the trigger and voting for Trump, rather, this is why I and so many other "NeverTrump" voters did it. Why we voted for the New York City billionaire, despite his aggressive nature, questionable statements, and liberal tendencies.
Wow. First off, hats off to Mr. Trump. He threw his name into the hat, risked ruining the Trump brand name, spent his own money, and was picked apart for such minuscule things it's hard to even comprehend that he won. This election flipped everything that the "experts" have said for decades upside-down and has rushed in a new era for political campaigns. That much is inarguable, and even the most outspoken Trump haters have to admit that much.
As I woke up Wednesday morning, I forced myself off of Facebook after only being on there an hour. The rampant amount of people posting things about being scared for their lives and announcing that Trump's election meant racism and bigotry were more alive than ever, was overwhelming. It was disheartening, and more than that, it proved why voting for Mr. Trump was the best decision I've made in my young voting days. It proved even more how off-base so many voters are with reality and with the truth, and it made me sad to realize that it will only get worse from here. As I watched the news the last few days, I saw demonstrators protest Mr. Trump's future presidency (not sure what it's going to change?), and received numerous emails from professors and deans about "safe-space" meetings and opportunities that would abound in the coming weeks. Safe-spaces. To talk, uninterrupted, about how hurtful Mr. Trump's election is, and how to cope with such a horrific event. Well, let me ask you what this is going to accomplish? How is talking to a hundred people with the SAME opinion as you, going to help everyone come together? Even our current president, whom so many of you want for a third term right now, said that safe-spaces are more harmful than helpful and that college is about coming together to find new solutions and ideas (in case you don't believe me, the YouTube clip, IN FULL, is below).
I need someone to show me, clip by clip, videos of Mr. Trump preaching hatred for Muslims, Mexicans, women, and the LGBT+ community. Not "Now this" videos, not edited segments to try and articulate some propaganda. No, I want full-length videos. If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Trump said he wishes to impose a temporary ban on immigrants from all Muslim leaning countries (many Middle-Eastern countries actually have a national religion imposed), stop ILLEGAL immigrants from coming into the US (his wife is an immigrant after all), has been the FIRST GOP member to openly support the LGBT+ community (Caitlyn Jenner openly said that she supports Donald Trump), and Mr. Trump, through his bitter hatred and sexism, even had a woman, a WOMAN, as his CAMPAIGN MANAGER. So without further adieu, someone please tell me where this utter and undeniable hatred and bigotry come from? I can not, for the life of me, find Mr. Trump preaching and spewing the "Hitler-like" tendencies that so many of you are claiming he has. Until I can find them, I will defend him.
When it comes down to it, I voted for Mr. Trump because of the people saying all of these things. I voted for him because of the mass amount of people unwilling to listen to the truth, and think with their own minds. Mr. Trump is barely a Republican, in fact, I would put his views into the category of being a Democrat. He isn't going to build that wall, and he isn't going to deport anyone. You all fell for the trickster that Mr. Trump is, and fell hard. Your hypocrisy the last week has been hideous, and you fail to admit it. So many of you say after a terrorist attack say, "Here go you Republicans, categorizing all Muslims again." When on Wednesday I saw a post that read:
"IF YOU VOTE FOR TRUMP TODAY, make sure to explain to your lgbt+, female, black, latino/a, Muslim friends why they don't matter to you."
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO STATEMENTS? I will not, for the life of me, ever be able to understand how the Democratic party became so full of hypocritical messages. This just proves how assinine so many millennials, more than anyone, are. So before you go to your safe-space meeting, and before you go and unfriend all of your Trump supporting friends, and before you wish the worst for President-elect Trump, ask yourself, is it really worth all the fuss? Why not give a guy, who has no political experience, a few years to try and better our nation? When he falters, I, as well as many others, will be the first to point it out. I will stand with you when he proves me right. I hope, and if you don't then you have zero business participating in the American system, we are better in four years than we are today. I hoped that with President Obama, and I hope that with President Trump. Give the man who risked everything a chance, and open your heart to the truth: We need him to succeed at home and abroad, more than ever.