Finals week is approaching quicker than any of us expected, leaving us less than two weeks to get all the work we’ve been avoiding in order. Everyone copes with this testing week differently, some positively and some a complete mess. These are the types of people you usually run into during finals week. Which one is totally you?
The Hardo
This person takes finals week a little too seriously, death staring you for even breathing in the library. They probably have been studying every day for weeks and instantly judge you the second you put down your textbook and grab your laptop for a study break full of Netflix. They always have that look on their face that screams “why aren’t you studying more," “are you seriously drinking tonight” or “well you wouldn’t fail if you studied instead of eating dinner." Well, I'M SORRY.
The Caffeine Addict
This human is about three coffees deep before noon and is always energized enough to study. They are bouncing off the walls and throwing textbooks left and right trying to get ready for finals. They are either doing one of three things: chugging medium iced caramel swirls and actually getting a lot of work done, chugging medium iced caramel swirls and being productive in every area of life EXCEPT studying, or completely crashing from their caffeine high and are passed out on the living room couch.
The “Let’s Go Out And Pretend That Finals Aren’t Happening”
This human is usually a great person to go to when you need a night out after studying for twelve consecutive hours. They’re always down for study break bar crawl and usually aren’t too stressed about all their exams coming up. They’re a great person to hang out with when the last thing you want talk or worry about is finals.
The Napper
This finals week human likes to result to excessive napping in order to avoid the amount of work piling up. You can usually spot them in their bed bundled up with Netflix still playing on their lap or nodding off at their desk. This is the human of finals week everyone wants to be, careless about the stress and having the ability to sleep away their problems.
The Over Thinker
This human of finals week probably made their study guides 3 weeks ago and still feels unprepared. They probably have been memorizing formulas and essays for the past week and have researched every question possibility for each of their finals already. They most likely are always freaking out over what could be on their exams and ask everyone in their class eight thousands questions when in reality they need to chill.
The Group Studier
This person is blowing up every group chat they have trying to get people to study with. They seem to avoid focusing by themselves at all costs and attempt to drag everyone they could find into their “group study sesh." Nothing ever gets done in one of their group study sessions and it usually just turns into an open convo about the weekends and how much they aren’t prepared for finals. So, a very ineffective human of finals week to say the least.
The Impromptu Adderall Addict
Apparently during finals week that quiet kid in your finance class quickly turns into the go to Adderall dealer for finals week and suddenly everyone forgets how to read without it.
The Procrastinator
This human of finals week is probably most of us, continuously justifying not doing your work with “oh, but I still have like a week to do it." This person saves everything for the last minute, cramming pages of study guides and group project meetings into the last few days of the semester. This person probably gets all their work done, just with a lot of all-nighters right before everything is due.