Since I was fourteen I've been interested in controversial debates. I remember roaming around YouTube and finding a video titled "Hitchens Destroys Christianity in ten minutes!" Curious as to see what this man was so angry about, I watched the ten minute clip with curiosity. This was my first contact with loud, militant Atheism. Although I completely disagree with Christopher Hitchens, this first contact with him would begin an intense passion for worldview apologetics.
The first book I read concerning Atheism and religion was written by Christopher's brother, Peter Hitchens. After doing extensive research on both brothers I was astonished by how the two could never agree on anything. No matter where you find them, the two are battling ferociously in debate panels or dining tables. You can find their debates all over social media and their books are filled with references to each other. Both brothers, despite one of them dying (Christopher passed December 15th 2011), remain controversial figures to this day.
Since my first contact with militant Atheism I've read "The Rage Against God" by Peter, "god is not Great" and "Mortality" by Christopher. The two have written several more books, but I will compare "The Rage Against God" and "god is not Great," for both are considered to be the brothers' major works on modern religious criticism.
Christopher begins his book as a religious student attending one of Great Britain's Christian boarding schools. By the end of his book Christopher has attacked every major world religion, including many of the major sects. Peter begins "The Rage Against God" with "I set fire to my Bible on the playing fields of my Cambridge boarding school one bright, windy spring afternoon in 1967." By the end of Peter's book he concludes that Atheism is not only a false solution but an immoral one and has embraced Christianity. Peter is one of the last remaining apologists for Christianity in the UK, while Christopher died a devoted apostate.
The two not only disagreed on religious views, but on political ones as well. Christopher identified as a socialist while Peter is a conservative. When it came to the Iraq war, both were initially hesitant. Christopher, to the surprise of fellow left-wingers, supported the Iraq war. Peter, however, much to the chagrin of the political right, stood against it. Peter hated the European Union while Christopher gave the EU full support. It seems the two even were destined to be at odds with each other.
Despite many differences, fans of both writers will agree on one thing: both were incredibly brave. Both men were journalists who traveled throughout the globe, including it's dangerous places. Christopher would travel to Bosnia, Syria, Cyprus, Kuwait and Iraq. Peter would also travel to Iraq, but also to Somalia, Sudan and St. Petersberg before the fall of the iron curtain. The two brothers often reported under perilous situations and faced danger head on.
The two also were never afraid of criticism. Both were heavily criticized for their stances on the Iraq war and were practically banished from their parties. Christopher continued to justify the Iraq war until his death while Peter in his own words sought nothing less then to "destroy the conservative (his own) party." Christopher, despite his role as one of the four horsemen (a militant Atheist group composed of Richard Dawkins, Danial Dennet, Sam Harris and, of course, Christopher himself), criticized Richard Dawkins for claiming Atheism made people more intellectual.
Peter, despite being one of Christianity's most vocal apologists is often seen criticizing the Church of England for throwing away the King James Bible and becoming more secularized and homogenized with the United Kingdom. Both brothers are not afraid to criticize their own parties and are often hated for it.
As time goes on, the two have only become more famous. Christopher is continuing to be published (despite his death) and Peter just achieved a victory in Brexit as the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU. The two can still be found on YouTube and their books are still enjoyable reads to fans. The Hitchens brothers remain symbols of non-conformity and bravery in the face of popular opinion. Although the two never got along in the debate room, they managed to fine peace with each other before Christopher died.
One may beg to ask: "how did this war ever happen?" Peter answers this question in his article, "How I found God and Peace with my Atheist brother." Peter says, "at one stage - I was about nine, he nearly 12 - my poor gentle father actually persuaded us to sign a peace treaty in the hope of halting our feud. I can still picture this doomed pact in its red frame, briefly hanging on the wall.To my shame, I was the one who repudiated it, ripped it from its frame and angrily erased my signature, before recommencing hostilities. In a way, the treaty has remained broken ever since."
Christopher lives on in his works and the two brothers are still at war to this day.