Many of us are huge Disney fans, and when we heard that they were making a live-action "Beauty and the Beast," we were so excited. Although for me, I was a little nervous as to how they were going to do the story. Overall, I thought the film was wonderful and only have a few changes I would have made. Here is my take on the good and bad aspects of the film.
1. Low: Belle's Costuming.
The one thing that annoyed me was how the outfits that Emma Watson wore were too modern for the time period. For one example, she did not wear a corset in the film AT ALL. That is one piece of women's clothing that was essential in that time period, and I feel that it spoiled the ballroom dance scene for me.
2. Low: The whole banquet scene before the dance is missing.
This is the scene where we see the beast all nervous and scared about how Belle would react! Why would you cut that scene Disney?!
3. High: Introduction of an LGBTQ character.
Le Fou is my spirit animal because he goes from loving the brute Gaston to the Beast's side.
4. High: The scene of the portrait of the prince.
They show an interesting difference in the portraits. In the new version, they show the prince's parents whereas in the original they don't.
5. High: The first interracial lovers in Disney!
I freaking love these two characters.
6. High: The beast is so attractive.
In all honesty, I would volunteer as tribute to be the Beast's prisoner and then fall in love with him. I mean, if he looks like Dan Stevens after I would be so happy. He just so dreamy and handsome.
He is also a dead ringer for the original Beast who when I was younger thought was really attractive... Please tell me I am not the only girl who thought a cartoon character was attractive...
7. High: The music!
8. High: The casting.
The casting was so well done! Everyone who was chosen really morphed into their characters. And when it comes to the villain, you actually become really attracted to them even though you should hate them.
9. High: Emma Thompson as Mrs. Potts!
Emma Thompson obviously watched and listened to Angela Lansbury who played the original Mrs. Potts. Bravo Emma!10. High: Everyone else's costumes!
11. High: How they kept it really spot-on to the original.
Overall, Disney did a fantastic job with Beauty and the Beast. Five stars and an A+. I can't wait to see the other live-action films to come!