Dale: Abe, I cannot believe my eyes.
Abe: I told you, they were crying. The founding fathers look down at us with disgrace now. Do you believe me?
Dale: Trump is our next president…
Abe:That is not the problem Dale
Dale: Then what is?
Abe: We allowed for such a system to develop
Dale: What kind of system do you speak of?
Abe: The kind where being racist or a sexist is only a character flaw and not a permanent stain on the American dream.
Dale:I see...Hillary still won the popular vote though Abe! That cannot be dismissed.
Abe: Oh really?
Dale: Yes I saw the results
Abe: What happened to those who did not vote my friend?
Dale: I am not sure…
Abe: Did you know that 46.6% of the total population did not vote?
Dale: Wow I did not…
Abe: Are you aware that the remaining 53.4% was split among the other candidates?
Dale: I had no idea!
Abe: The Popular vote stated Hillary as the winner of those who voted. Not the popular vote of those who did not vote...Do you understand now?
Dale: I am starting to...
Abe: Can you conclude that the popular vote was those who abstained?
Dale:I see your point
Abe:Do you realize the true popular vote is the one in silence?
Dale:It is indeed
Abe: Therefore the majority is not out on the streets protesting….So how is it possible for HIllary’s 25.6% beat Trump and the government?
Dale: I am not sure
Abe:Do you begin to see my disappointment?
Dale:Yes...How did you realize this
Abe: Our system has been broken for over 50 years, my friend….
Dale: Why is that?
Abe: Being a racist or a sexist is not a seen as true defining moment in a person’s history
Dale: How come?
Abe: It is only seen as character flaw….it is no longer a permanent stain on the American dream.
Dale:Abe, do you think that the people will see this?
Abe:Only if they choose to look from their heart and not from their eyes. It is the only way, my friend
Dale: How long will this take?!?
Abe:I am not sure my friend. I recommend calling up my friend….Benjamin Franklin.
Dale: With haste I will! Thank you, Abe.
Abe:It is always a pleasure