As I begin the hour and a half trek back home, I am traveling 90+ mph with one motivation in sight - my dogs.
Since coming to college, I have realized how emotionally attached I am to my sweet doggies. I didn't realize when I came to college how impaired I would be without my three lil munchkins - Gus, Winnie, and Kramer.
My prodigies, loves of my life, cuddle buds, and bffs. I think most college students would find this #relatable because most college kids don't have the luxury of coming home from a hard test day, finding yet again another parking ticket, or being overwhelmed from midterms to find those big brown puppy eyes ready to settle your spirits. That is why I have decided to write this article. Primarily to vent regarding the severe separation anxiety I have experienced this past semester while living apart from my three homies.
Honestly, this article probably doesn't have a significant or underlying meaning to it other than the fact to brag on my sweet pups. You see, daily FaceTime calls to my dogs are a thing, bringing them up in daily conversations are definitely a thing, and random visitations home to see them are also a thing because priorities, amirite.
Literally, I feel so blessed to have my dogs, yanno. Like they definityley recognize my absence yet they don't throw a tantrum when I finally return. They accept me back into their lives with paws wide open because they are 99% love and 1% bad breath. They don't ask you about your grades or why you let your pumpkin rot outside of your dorm room into the carpet. Nope, they just sit there and love on you no matter the circumstance. Therefore, as I approach Thanksgiving break I can undoubntedly attest that no amount of mashed potatoes, stuff, or turkey can compare to the excitmenet of being reunited with the three cutest things to ever walk this earth.
With that being said, I encourage all of y'all this Thanksgiving break to take adavanatge of the sweet time you have with your doggies.