I woke up this morning to a text from one of my friends that read "I woke up so happy this morning and I love you guys thank you for being my friends lmfao". It was one of those texts that obviously made me crack a smile. But, at the same time it was one of those statements that stood on my mind and was just truly eye opening. The dots in my head didn't connect until this afternoon however, when I ran into another quote:
"Happiness is only real, when shared." - Into the Wild.
"Shared" to me, seems to be the big defining word of this quote. Happiness is only truly genuine when we share it. But why? Even if, how? It made no sense at first but then I realized the beauty behind the quote. Happiness is one of those feelings that make us feel so great that we want our loved ones to feel it too. It's only when you reach the point of spreading your happiness that you have truly felt happy. It's a feeling but it's also a gift meant to be shared with everyone around you. It's a privilege in a sense because some of us take our happiness for granted. Some of us spend our whole lives searching for it and when we finally attain it, it becomes more of a possession, a selfish thing that only you get to enjoy.
Happiness is like a double sided coin, on one side you have something that causes you such joy and good feelings but on the other, you have the one thing that can cause you to lose all your happiness. We have the tendency of thinking that happiness comes wrapped, with a bar code and a price tag. It doesn't. Sure you can share a happy moment over playing video games, or enjoying money with your friends. But true happiness doesn't manifest itself in a physical way. Instead we find it in the souls of the ones we love. Their laughter, their jokes, their way of being.
You can argue that people are often the cause of our sadness, and while that's true, we also have to remember that everything in our world comes with an opposite. For every smile, there will be a frown, for every cry, a laugh. These physical and materialistic things will only be around for so long. I once remember reading a book and something along the lines of "Anything man made is bound to break. ". Our souls aren't crafted by men, but put together eloquently by something greater than this Earth and universe. Even when people pass, their memory doesn't. We remember them and they live on in those memories and in those laughs that were shared. A person never truly dies as long as they shared their happiness with others. Those people will carry those experiences with them forever whether they'd like to believe it or not. Happiness is one of those things that tie the lives of humans together in a way that can never truly be forgotten.