It's the most wonderful time of the year. Carols are filling the air and everyone is feel slightly more joyful. If you're anything like me you know that Christmas feels like the most magical time out of any month. Chances are people who love Christmas share these similar thoughts, feelings, and actions. It usually begins the same way, by starting to listen to Christmas music in early to mid November. Then you resort to picking out your favorite holiday movies. You are so eager to just kick back with a cup of hot cocoa and watch "A Christmas Story" for the 200th time. There are so many festive events going on that it fuels your Christmas spirit and you share the happiness with all the grinches this season.
People start putting up dazzling light displays and decorations for all to see. These illuminations just make the holidays truly shine while you drive around gazing at all the lawn sets. In addition, you probably have started making your shopping list for friends and family. After Thanksgiving dinner, you are most likely heading to the tree farm to pick out your family Christmas tree. You just love breaking out the boxes of ornaments and reminiscing about old memories, such as the horrid wreath you made in 2nd grade that your parents insist on keeping. Wrapping presents builds onto the excitement, even if you are the worst wrapper in existence. You just shake with anticipation to see their reaction to their gifts. I especially like having younger siblings and being able to see how thrilled they are when Santa makes his annual visit.
Everyone is more giving and thoughtful this time of year, there are several charities and organizations that help those less fortunate make Christmas feel heartwarming. Speaking of warming, it's also a time to crank up the oven and make 8 dozen batches of cookies. Chances are I was going to gain that freshman fifteen either way. You get to spend the next few weeks with family and friends you haven't seen in quite some time. Also, up north the snow starts which allows for more outdoor adventures like ice skating or sledding. Campuses having freed their students into relaxation and they will then be eager to jump into the new year. This is the halfway mark for classes and it's mind-blowing to know the end of the school year is approaching fast.
The holiday season is one filled with love, laughter, and just plain happiness overall. Once it's over, its back to counting down the days until next Christmas. I hope every enjoys their Christmas or other festivities and remember to stay in the spirit of giving.