If you're anything like me, you understand that "going to the gym" is not a simple process. It takes time, procrastination, and even some whinnying in order to truly have completed a full workout.
1. Picking a Time
Whether you are waking up early to go to the gym or deciding when to go after/between class this is always the first hurdle in the awful process that is “going to the gym".
2. Preparing
4. The Arrival
5. Picking your Poison
Do I start with the elliptical, maybe watch a movie? Or do I just go straight into the abs workout I found on Pinterest? OR do I do like 5 minutes on the treadmill and then kinda figure it out?
6. Pressing "START"
7. This is a good place to stop (nope)
After the first 15 minutes you feel pretty accomplished so you contemplate just stopping there, or even just ending the workout completely? Nope. You didn’t go through steps 1-6 just to stop at 15 minutes.
8. When it Hits You Like a Truck
9. The Negotiation Stage
10. The End
Thank god that's over.
11. The Hunger
The minute you hit that “stop” button all you can think about is pizza, cookies, cake, pasta, basically anything that would counteract all the work you just put in.
12. The Ride Home
You feel super good about yourself. Yeah! I went to the gym! and suddenly you start to think you can handle this more than three times a week (it’s the adrenaline talking) so you keep thinking, “man! I’m gonna wake up at 5 AM every day and workout!” Nope, jokes on you (pun intended). (I mean if you do, props to you because you can catch my lazy self sleeping in).
13. The Homecoming
You did it! You’re done, whether your reward is a smoothie or a cake you earned it! now all you have to do is shower (yes, please, please follow this step) and then get ready for whatever comes next. PS: Soreness, fatigue and extreme moaning may be a side effect; results may vary.