Every day, constantly, all I hear is: "You wear too much makeup," "You look better natural," and my personal favorite, "Guys don't like girls who wear a ton of makeup." Your point is?
Since when did wearing makeup mean that I'm trying to impress anyone? I don't wear it because I'm self conscious, and even if I were, why should that matter to you? So what I like to have a dramatic eye look, put on some falsies every once in awhile, or maybe even throw on a black lipstick (just kidding, you can't just throw that on, that takes a considerable amount of time, but you get the idea). Yes, I'm wearing concealer and foundation, even powder, but what concern does that have toward you and the way you live your life?
Every day the makeup world is drastically changing. Trends are coming and going, new products are being released, and as someone who genuinely just enjoys wearing it and the task of putting it on, I love to just simply do my makeup. Some days I can be natural and barely wear any, do a smokey eye or a cut crease if I'm going out, or experiment with different colors. The possibilities are endless. Makeup is not only a way to boost your confidence, but a way of self expression. It's never permanent, and at the end of the day you get to take your makeup wipe and start all over again in the morning.
So the next time you question why I do what I do with my makeup, don't. And if you do, you won't even get the chance because my highlighter will blind you in the process.