Who are you? Who do you want to be? The questions everyone asks themselves in order to become a functioning person in this world. The first step is canceling out all the people in your life that enable you to blossom. By distancing your mind from negativity you can have room to grow yourself. Even so, you can keep these people in your life if you can grow from them by being stronger than the negative suppressions that come along with it. Most people do not know who they are, and this can hold you back from finding out yourself as well. Here are some quick tips that helped me find more about my place in this world:
1. Find your hobbies, talents, passions in this world to make you feel like you have a purpose
Whether it's golfing, playing cards or simply being outside, everyone has something that makes them feel interested and insightful. These activities should stay close to you.
2. Surround yourself with good people
A positive environment is so important. Keep a close group of people that make you feel truly happy. Have things in common, or different characteristics that will balance each other out and even improve yourself and your weaknesses.
3. Be motivated and sure of yourself
Stop doubting yourself and go for your goals and dreams. The whole concept of becoming the person you want to be only can come if you have the motivation and confidence to make and create your life and self accurately.
4. Don’t hesitate, always keep going
I've learned that if you stop, pause, or hesitate in your uphill self-creation it can mess up the entire cycle. Going backward, or hitting lows in life are all real things if you allow it. Don’t allow these obstacles to come in your life, keep fighting and give life a run for its money. Keep pushing the uphill battle until your feel secure.