Ah, second semester- the time where high school senioritis gets truly unbearable, and the college students work ethics starting declining more and more with each week. When balancing all the clubs you eagerly joined first semester with your ever mounting school work can be quite challenging. Also getting the three S’s (that being sleep, social life, and school work) all seem to be rather challenging. Well, my friend who relates to this, you are in luck, because I have for you several tips and strategies how to slay second semester- how’s that for the three S’s?
Of course, the first issue that comes with second semester is how to continue to stay focused and keep working hard like in the first semester. Coming back after break and the temptation of the approaching summer off makes continuing the grind supremely difficult, and it is totally common. However, it is important to remember that while the constant work of second semester (and only spring break to separate it unlike the multiple breaks during first semester) may be challenging, there are ways to combat it. One of the best things you can do to do work smarter, not harder, is to stop procrastinating. If you have a simple assignment that you have a few days to complete, do it sooner rather than later, simply because if it is easy enough, you can get it out of the way early instead of having to worry about it hanging over your head by doing it at the last minute. With larger assignments, do small bits at a time so the project will get completed slowly but surely, and you don’t have to stress about having to cram it all in the night before the due date. Turning your phone off or on airplane mode and out of reach is incredibly helpful in getting work done, because you don’t have that constant distraction. Creating a relaxing or classical music playlist on Spotify is a lot of help too!
Another thing you can do this semester that can help you with school work is to be a little bit selfish- yes, you read that correctly. Don’t be afraid to say no to someone from time to time, and don’t worry about staying in for one night to study and do school work. Missing one event might seem like the end of the world to some, but in all honesty, all it does is benefit you and help you get ahead. It’s not a bad thing to tell people no sometimes.
You can carry this aspect into balancing clubs as well. Sometimes we (me) can get a little excited when it comes to being a part of organizations, and it can pile up second semester. If you can’t find a way to balance all of them or are having trouble with time management with all of your activities, pick the ones you are the most passionate about and give your time to those activities. Especially in high school, people tend to get absorbed in the “this will look good on a college application” thought and choose to do things for that reason despite the very minimal interest in it. This is not a true statement, and in college being involved in what you are passionate about is even more beneficial. Even if you do choose to stay in all of the clubs or activities, prioritize your time- they understand you have school work and other commitments as well.
Lastly, when it comes to stress that comes from work, space things out. Cramming for things is never, ever effective. Spread out your studying, study effectively, and plan things out! Though this semester might not be easy, there are ways you can get through and make it the best semester ever!