A few years ago, I learned about the 100 Happy Days Challenge. How I interpreted it was posting a picture to Instagram/Twitter/Facebook every day for 100 days, the only stipulation really being to only post kind of happy pictures/captions. I'm a fairly happy and optimistic person, so I thought this would be really easy.
It's not.
I went from only posting on Instagram every once in a while to posting every single day. I was almost 99% sure that nobody cared to see about what was going on in my life 24/7.
But I did it anyway.
This challenge made me focus on things that made me happy throughout the day. Usually I'd let "small things" like a beautiful sunshine, a nice breeze outside (pretty rare in Louisiana), or great conversations with strangers go somewhat unnoticed, but this challenge made me hyperfocused on stuff like that. You can seriously find beauty in everything.
At first, I didn't want to do it. Sometimes I feel like there aren't happy things every day. I felt like me posting all of these happy pictures would be kind of...fake. But I was so wrong. If you're looking hard enough, you can find a silver lining behind every cloud.
I also felt awful for my followers. Does anyone really want to see all of that? Well apparently so, because the number of people that like my pictures has doubled since before the challenge. I don't mean that in a way of "yay more likes!" but in a way of knowing for sure that more people are seeing positivity every day in a time where so much negativity is surrounding us.
Out of everyone that attempts this challenge, only 71% finish. Out of this 71%, most individuals quoted lack of time as being the reason for stopping. So is it that they don't have time to post the picture or they don't have time to be happy?
"We live in times when super-busy schedules have become something to boast about. While the speed of life increases, there is less and less time to enjoy the moment that you are in. The ability to appreciate the moment, the environment and yourself in it, is the base for the bridge towards long term happiness of any human being."
I really encourage you to do this challenge! In only about 40 days, I've already noticed a difference in my attitude.