The Greatest Ever: Muhammad Ali
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The Greatest Ever: Muhammad Ali

"Float like a Butterfly... Sting like a Bee"

The Greatest Ever: Muhammad Ali

The Greatest that ever was, and that greatest that ever will be passed away on June 3rd, 2016.

But many people of this generation will not know why he was called the Greatest Ever...

There are three different stories to Muhammad Ali... The Man, the Influence, and the Legend.

The Man

Cassius Clay Jr. was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and grew in a household with his mother and his father. However, 'The Man' never started to develop until he was around 12 years old. His father had just bought him a new 1954 Schwinn Bike which was stolen soon after. The 12 year old Cassius did not back down, he told his parents "I'm gonna whup whoever stole my bike!". At this time he was only 89-pounds, but after he yelled that to police man Joe Martin, he officially began to train in boxing.

"I know where i'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want'"

At 18, Cassius was already known as a world superstar. He fought in the Rome Olympics and his larger than life personality earned him the nickname "Mayor of the Olympic Village".

Cassius boxed in the 'Light-Heavyweight class' of boxing. It took him until 1959 to finally earn the Golden Glove's Award for the Amateur Athletic Union's National Title in this division.

During the Vietnam War, Cassius was one of the biggest national figures to speak out against the war. Upon refusing to enter the draft, he was stripped of his World Title's, Passport, and his Boxing Licenses. He also lost a court-trial granting him a 5-year prison term. In 1964, he met legendary figure Malcolm X, and after defeating World Champion Sonny Liston he announced that his name was now Muhammad Ali.

The Influence

When you talk about professional athletes and their impact on the world, there is no greater influence than Muhammad Ali.

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth"

Here are just a few of his national accolades:

57 wins, with 37 KO's

Won the 'United Nations Messenger of Peace Award'

Won the 'Amnesty International Lifetime Achievement Award'

Olympic Gold Medalist in 1960

Won the' Presidential Medal of Freedom'

Sport's Illustrated 'Sportsman of the Century Award'

BBC's 'Sports Personality of the Century Award'

GQ's 'Athlete of the Century Award'

Muhammad has also been on 37 different Sport's Illustrated Covers, second only to Michael Jordans 50. During his reign as the Champion, whenever he met a leader of other celebrity, they were almost in awe no matter who they were. From Nelson Mandela, to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he was bigger than all personalities in the world at his peak.

The Legend

Muhammad Ali goes down as quite possibly the greatest Boxer, and the greatest Leader of all time.

He created and perfected legendary moves like the 'Anchor punch' which is essentially a hook punch with an upward angle to simulate the power of an uppercut. This punched knocked out countless opponents and KO'd some of his greatest rivals.

He also used a legendary but impossible technique called the 'Rope-a-dope'. With this technique Muhammad would back himself into the ropes and cause the opponent to swing wildly with all their power, eventually tiring them out, and giving him the open door to destroy them with hooks and hay-makers.

Muhammad was also the King of Trash-Talking. He called how the round that his fight with World Champion Sonny Liston would end; "Sonny Liston is great, but he'll fall in eight!".... And he most certainly did.

Other Legendary fights include:

"Rumble in the Jungle" vs George Foreman

"Fight of the Century" vs Joe Frazier

"Thrilla in Manilla" vs Joe Frazier (their third bout)

Muhammad Ali was not only one of the greatest Athlete's of all-time, but he will forever go down in history as the 'People's Champ'. After passing away from Parkinson's on June 3rd, 2016.

He story is forever etched in history...

Reporter: "What would like people to think about you when you are gone?

Muhammad: "I'd like for them to say... He took a few cups of Love. He took one tablespoon of Patience, one teaspoon of Generosity, one pint of Kindness: He took one quart of Laughter, one pinch of Concern and then mixed Willingness with Happiness. He added lots of faith, and he stirred it up well. The he spread it over a span of a lifetime, and he served it to each ad every deserving person he met."

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